Bir Hosting Macerası ve Mutlu Son
Boş zamanlarımda hobi olarak kod yazıyorum, böylece hem bir uğraşım oluyor, hem de yeni teknolojileri takip etme şansı buluyorum. Geçenlerde ASP.Net MVC framework denemeleri yaparken tamamladığım basit bir web sitesi projem vardı;…
Lessons on Winning and Profitability from Jack Welch
Jack Welch is one of the most prominent CEOs of the last century. He has earned name recognition from people around the world. For the uninitiated, Jack Welch is the former CEO…
Kirkpatrick’s Four-Level Training Evaluation Model
If you deliver training for your team or your organization, then you probably know how important it is to measure its effectiveness. After all, you don’t want to spend time or money…
10 Tips for Closing a Sale
If you asked a hundred sales professionals for their best tips on closing a sale, you would get a hundred different responses. You would hear the old school crowd preaching the benefits…
Essential Sales Skills
There are a lot of different ways to approach sales, but they all tend to rely on the same skill set. Note that these are skills, not talents: talents are inborn, but…
SOA? ESB? What is all this?
Lots of nice articles have been published on the net on both Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Enterprise Server Bus (ESB). This topic is being discussed quite heavily for last few years…
A Day in the life of an Enterprise Architect
Enterprise architecture has grown from being just a set of small pilots to being a fully sponsored and supported initiative within enterprises. With the growing demands to reduce costs, increase agility, and standardize…
A Comparison of the Top Four Enterprise-Architecture Methodologies
Twenty years ago, a new field was born that soon came to be known as enterprise architecture. The field initially began to address two problems: System complexity—Organizations were spending more and more money building…
Why do we need model driven architecture (MDA)?
Many organizations have been developing IT software without modeling but there have been various problems in realizing the “requirements to implementation”. Primary issue continues to be that of communication. The two keys…